I think digital storytelling is an ideal manner for reading class, especially for some literary texts such as novels or plays written in target language because it definitely will improve students' understanding to those readings. At the beginning of the class, I may record a short introduction about the background of text we are going to read. Since every literary text or story comes with certain cultural backgrounds and age, it is also important for students to understand this prior reading the text. Introducing these background knowledge as telling a story with some sounds and video clips can be more appealing. Also, student's memory about those information that I plan to present will be more strengthened. After reading and discussing the materials, I think it is also a good way to let students watch another storytelling video which is made with the content of the text we just covered. In this way, students will review the story again. Further, it also serves like a clarification that solves students problems or confusion. The reviewing video can be played in class if the class time is sufficient or can be uploaded to the class blog so that every student can watch the video again and again if they need.
Photo by BryanAlexander
Your ideas for creating digital stories would work well, but don't forget that the students can also create them. Especially after reading a text, creating a story might be a good review.